venerdì 9 novembre 2012

Lolita Blog Carnival: A day in the life of a Lolita photo diary

Hello (^_-)-☆!! This is my first post for the Lolita Blog Carnival! I'm so excited to be part of the group and I'm also a bit worried to make some mistakes >< I wanted to join the group because I am a *lazy* blogger, so I needed an incentive to post more :P But now let's go with the post: A day in the life of a Lolita (○⌒∇⌒○)

Good Morning! Yawwwnnn X.X...

Aka "the picture of the self-shaming"...XD Nothing that a hairstraightener can't solve fortunately!

I woke up very late today, 11 a.m. (I know, I should be ashamed XD...) and 
my hair were a hot mess :\ 

So I choose what to wear...

....and then went to the bathroom and after
the usual processes, I straighten my fringe,  because it was awfully fu**ed up XD
as you can se from the first picture!

...Ready to go! ^w^

I was going to have lunch with my parents, since I stay
at my boyfriend's place for half of the week I don't see them 
everyday (even if they don't live far away from here).

While approaching the bus stop, I spotted a very cute brooch in a shop
and I cannot stop myself from buying it >w< 
It also was cheap, it was on sale for only 2 euros!
This is very beautiful, isn't it? ♥

Waiting for the bus to come...I waited for half an hour, more or less °A° 
there  had surely been problems with the bus line...

...and when (FINALLY) the bus arrived, I went at the new mall 
in the city (opened since March of this year)
ヾ( ^ω^)ノ

At the mall +.(´・∀・)ノ゚+ー☆!

We had lunch at Old Wild West, 
and I forgot to take a picture of what I ate (-_-;)


(Just for the records, I had a Vegetarian Burrito, because I don't eat 
both meat and fish,
 and Premium Fries. Everything was so yummy! (★*U∀Up)♪+゚7
Next time I want to try to order a Burger without meat inside XD
because EVERYTIME I'm at Old Wild West
I have a Vegetarian Burrito...and I want more variety è__é!!)

After lunch I went to the marketplace! YAY, Shopping! 

I just bought some materials for my handmade creations (^0^  ) ~ ♪


I also bought a pair of stocking at H&M while at the mall (I'm SO
HAPPY we finally have an H&M here in La Spezia, we didn't before
that mall opened!!!)
They're black with GOLDEN accents ♥ and they sparkle
a lot! *w* I love sparkly stuff!!

With the black beads I instantly made an amazing bracelet!!
Here it is:

And here's the bracelet worn!
Isn't it gorgeous? ♥ I totally love it!

Here's my materials' box >< 
A hot mess, like my life ♥ XD

Later on, I had a japanese language lesson! (●♡∀♡))ヾ☆*。
It's just the third one, so I'm not very good at (even if I already
had japanese lessons years ago, and I studied
a bit on my own, I am certainly not ready to 
have a long conversation ><;;)!
Don't try to read...I'm the worst in taking notes XD
But I assume the important thing is that I can undertand
my own disorder U_U;

It's a basic japanese course, my japanese level surely has a lot to improve ><
however I like to study 日本語 so much! ^w^

After the lesson I came back and had dinner.
What I ate wasnt' anything yummy U_U; (in other words:
I totally forgot to take a picture XD AGAIN XD)
I had just a (healthy, but not yummy at all ;A;) legumes soup.

After dinner, I turned on my computer (it's not really "mine",
I use an old pc that was property of my boyfriend) 
to post on my blog and have a bit of relax ( ̄▽ ̄; )

Poupee, Facebook, Blogger u_u;....

And here I am, still writing this post, because ehm...
in the past days I didn't make anything remarkable 
to write a post  about, so I thought I would have done this today,
and...that's it! 

Even Fifì, my sweet feline child ♥, decided to take some rest
together with her mommy ♥
She's very attached to me, she always wants me to stay
with her! When I sit by the computer, for examples, 
she jumps up and purrs, then she cuddles me 
à la feline way :3 (she "makes bread" X3)
and after she sleep on my legs!
Isn't she th cutest? 

Here's a picture of her, to show you how much cute she is(*´▽`*)

(This counts as a bonus pic)

Well, that's it!! :3
I hope that you liked my first post for the Blog Carnival!

Here you are the other girls' post of the Lolita Blog Carnival for this week!

giovedì 1 novembre 2012

Halloween Post!!!!!!!!

^_^ Hello!

Yesterday I went to a little party here in my town...altough it was funny, my boyfriend was tired and we came back home very early é_è

Halloween is my favorite party of the year, so I always dress up, even if I don't do anything special, or just stay at home for a private party!

I didn't have big expectation from the party itself since where I live it's a very little town, there's nothing interesting to do and the young population, if possible, tries to move abroad to work and/or study.

But hey, it's the place I grown up, and it will always have a place in my heart *sentimental* <3

But now I'll show you off my outfit for the night (⌒▽⌒)☆ here we go!!!

Sorry for the writing on the mirror, it's the only one I have at home ><;

Outfit rundown: 
JSK: Bodyline (This one)
Bag: Heartbag by BTSSB
Shoes: Antaina 
Socks: random shop on ebay
Eyeball bowclip: Kreepsville666 (it's on the right top of my head :P)
Everything else: offbrand

Make-up 。◕‿◕。 and circle lenses, of course ;)
For this make-up I took inspiration by  this video on youtube. 
How amazing she is??? *_*

Bonus pic: this came so fine I decided to use
as my facebook profile picture ( ^∇^)
I'm not photogenic AT ALL, so when I like so much a picture 
I'm featured in it's always a joy :P

I hope you like my Halloween outfit as much as I love it!!  *(*´∀`*)☆
Next year I'm really tempted to try something new (at least for me :P): Zombie Lolita! ^v^
And I hope that next year won't be the hateful rain to ruin the party (︶︹︺) 
As much as I hate the hot summer, I also hate rainy autumn!!!! 

Saturday I will be in Lucca for the annual Comic Convention, there will be a Lolita Fashion Show 
and I'm proud to tell you that I'm one of the model! I'm so excited, it's my very first fashion show EVER, both in and out Lolita, and I'm a bit anxious (°o°;) for the occasion I will wear a full gothic lolita outfit with my beloved Alchemy OP from Moi Meme Moitié ♥ how much I love that dress (´ ▽`).。o♡

Well, it's all for now!
See you soon!!!!  ☆*:.。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆

Roses are PINK :P!

Hi ^_^!!!
Time has passed since the last post, I know...I know.
It's Poupee girl's fault. I'll admit I'm into the "tunnel" again XD
I started again to play, I have opened my account like...three years ago? Maybe four...I don't remember.
Aaaaanyway, I had this post's draft still in progress, it is!

On octobre, 12th (yeah, I should feel ashamed for having not posted this before) I went out with my boy and our mutual friends.

I decided to wear my Powder Rose skirt with a bit of punky style ^_^

Skirt, bow brooch (attached at my neck): Angelic Pretty
Jacket: C.O.L.Z.A. (japanese random brand, 
I've bought this on mbok for very cheap ^^!)
Leggings: Tally Wejl
Bow Bangle: Chocomint
Ring (even if you can't see it -.-):
handmade by me (it's just a pink rose made of resin attached
to a ring base ^^) 
Shoes: Chinese random shop
Wig: taobao
Hairclip: H&M
Turtleneck: Offbrand

Terrible picture is terrible. I know =.= with bad light at 10 p.m. 
isn't so easy to take beautiful pictures....
You can't see my little roses well, but they have glitters <3

We went around the city and then in a pub to drink something. 

Then we moved and we had the terrible idea to eat a Pizza.
Terrible because...well, I'll let the pictures speak for themselves:

Here's the Pizza itself.
It was kinda awful XD or maybe it's me that, being italian, I have high standars, I don't know.
What can I say for sure it's that all of my friends were a bit disgusted by its taste XD

We decided to try this Pizza because, well, it's an automatic Pizza-maker:

and we thought it would have been an experience to try at least one time, also because that Pizza was awful, as I told, and because it costs 5 EUROS. For a deep-frozen Pizza baked into a machine. YEAH. (Normally, with 5-7 euros you can have a very delicious Pizza baked into a wood stove, that's a "must have" for a good italian pizza restaurant!) 

Then we went to sleep because it was very late ><

I love to do stupid and crazy things XD it never happens when I go out with my female friends...I think in another life I must have been a boy, because I'm always so excited to new experiences, even the silliest!

Now, at least, we know where NOT to eat XD

....And now I go to sleep because it's near 4 o' clock a.m. X.x can't sleep in these days.

Bye :)!!!!! See you next post! I have some pictures of my Halloween outfit that I'd like to share ;)